☁ Baby's First Skills - Miriam Stoppard {Book review}

image is from nlb.gov.sg

Title : Baby's First Skills - Miriam Stoppard
It was borrowed from Queenstown Public Library

Dr Mirriam Stoppart is using the "golden hour" method which means in  just an hour a day you can help our baby develop during the first year. The golden hour is divided into 5 areas : friendlines, minds hand, talking, and moving.

This book also gives many ideas about the activities that learned through play and bonding time, completed with the materials and informative pictures. The activities also divided according to the age group. Inside the book sample :

Image is from http://www.dk.co.uk

Image is from http://www.dk.co.uk

One of the books that can be helpful for mommies that looking for ideas for activities at home with our baby, that shows full affection. Another interesting book from the author is "Teach your Child".
